Big Rock
Big Rock Created by @hyacinthelescoet @thecambridge_paris —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday —————————— ▪️@belvederevodka Lake Bartezek ▪️@vermouthdolin ▪️Buckwheat ▪️Honey —————————— #acocktailaday #belvedere #vodka #vodkacocktail #vermouth #stirredovershaken #cocktailbar #paris #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktails #cocktailsofinstagram #drinkstagram #instagood http://www.instagram.com/hyacinthelescoet
Violet Negroni
Violet Negroni VIOLET NEGRONI Created by @theweekendmixologist ————- #recipe Butterfly Pea Flower Infused Gin – 1.5oz Bitter Bianco – 1.5oz Blanc Vermouth – 0.75oz ————- #acocktailaday #theweekendmixologist #violet #negroni #negronicocktail #stirredovershaken #butterflypea #butterflypeaflower #gin #gincocktail #fridaynight #drinkstagram #mixologyguide http://www.instagram.com/theweekendmixologist
The Chartreuse Swizzle
The Chartreuse Swizzle Created by @shake_and_stehr —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Green Chartreuse ▪️Velvet Falernum . ▪️Pineapple Juice ▪️Lime Juice ▪️Mint Bouquet & Grated Nutmeg ——————————— #acocktailaday #swizzle #chartreuse #instadrink #falernum #cocktailphoto #cocktailtime #instagood #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/shake_and_stehr
The Ramos Gin Fizz
The Ramos Gin Fizz Created by @rum_to_the_hills Captured by @joshtails #epicpic —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️@tanquerayusa No. Ten ▪️Lemon ▪️Cream ▪️Egg ▪️Orange Blossom ▪️Sparkling Water ——————————— #acocktailaday #ramosginfizz #gin #gincocktail @tanqueraygin #tanqueray #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/rum_to_the_hills
Bacon Old Fashioned
Bacon Old Fashioned Created by @nightgel_bartender @slowpiggy_sp Ukraine —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– #acocktailaday #odessa #ukraine #bacon #baconcocktail #oldfashionedcocktail #oldfashioned #whiskey #whiskeylover #whiskeycocktail #smokedcocktail #instadrink #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/nightgel_bartender
The Tom Hagen
The Tom Hagen Created by @unpetitverre —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Irish Whiskey ▪️Italian Amaro ▪️German Kirschwasser “I have a special practise. I handle one client.” ——————————— #acocktailaday #tomhagen #robertduvall #whiskey #irishwhiskey #whiskeycocktail #amaro #instadrink #instadaily #cocktailphoto #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/unpetitverre
Negroni NEGRONI Created by The Mirror Bar @the_landmark_london Captured by @lateef.photography #epicpic ————- #recipe London Dry Gin @campari.it Sweet Vermouth ————- #acocktailaday #negroni #negronicocktail #londondrygin #campari #sweetvermouth #stirredovershaken #londonbar #londoncocktails #cocktails https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday #drinkstragram #mixology #mixologist http://www.instagram.com/the_landmark_london
Gold Blooded
Gold Blooded Created by @theweekendmixologist —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Bourbon – 2oz ▪️Orange Curaçao – 0.5oz ▪️Blood Orange Juice – 1oz ▪️Grenadine – 0.5oz ▪️Aromatic Bitters – 2 Dashes ——————————— #acocktailaday #drinkstagram #goldblooded #bloodorange #bourbon #whiskeycocktail #bourbon #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/theweekendmixologist
Gwr Rhosili Dragon Strength
Gwr Rhosili Dragon Strength Today’s stop is in the Gower with @thegowergincompany and their epic Gwyr Rhosili Dragon Strength Gin Their micro distillery is in a converted bike shed in the village of Port Eynon in the Gower. They have an absolute passion for gin and are constantly developing new recipes…
The Bridge To Mexico
The Bridge To Mexico Created by @andreminarelli —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Mezcal Del Maguey Pink Peppercorn ▪️@lagavulinwhisky 16 Years ▪️Cacao Oleo Saccharum ▪️Chocolate Bitters ▪️Liquid Salt ——————————— #acocktailaday #drinkstagrammezcal #mezcalcocktails #pinkpeppercorn #lagavulin #whisky #whiskey #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/andreminarelli
Sour Monty
Sour Monty SOUR MONTY Created by @whats.marisa.drinking ————- #recipe @amaromontenegro_it – 45ml Creme de Pamplemousse Rose – 15ml Lemon Juice – 30ml Homemade Rose Syrup – 20ml Egg White Grapefruit Bitters Garnish with baby’s breath and grapefruit seared from @keepcalmandcocktail ————- #acocktailaday #amaro #amarococktails #amaromontenegro #rosesyrup #sourcocktail #shakennotstirred #cocktailart…
Welshcake Gin
Welshcake Gin – Shwmae. Our final stop for our #WelshGinMonth is with @pembsginco and their beautiful ‘The Spirit of Coalpit – Welshcake Gin’ This artisan Welsh dry gin is inspired by old Welsh traditions. With orange, currants, ginger, and cinnamon, it offers the warming spices and fruity notes of Welshcakes…
Tropical Julep
Tropical Julep Created by @theweekendmixologist —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️@cognacusa Cognac – 2oz ▪️Pineapple Gum Syrup – 0.25oz ▪️Xocolatl Mole Bitters – 2 Dashes ▪️8/10 Mint Leaves ——————————— #acocktailaday #mintjulep #jukep #cognac #cognaccoktail #pineapple #pineappletime #cocktailbitters #theweekendmixologist #theweekend #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/theweekendmixologist
Old Fashioned
Old Fashioned Created by @thedonovanbar -‐—-‐———————– Captured by @lateef.photography —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday ——————————— #acocktailaday #thedonovan #london #londonbar #londoncocktails #albemarlestreet #oldfashionedcocktail #oldfashioned #whiskey #whiskeytime #friday #fridaynight #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/thedonovanbar
Coffee Negroni
Coffee Negroni Created by @theloyal Captured by @charlesroussel —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Mr Black Coffee Liqueur – 20ml ▪️Gin – 20ml ▪️Campari – 20ml ▪️Sweet Vermouth -20ml ——————————— #acocktailaday #negroni #coffeenegroni #negronitime #gin #gincocktail #camapri #sweetvermouth #vermouth #friday #friyay #fridaynight #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram #instadrink http://www.instagram.com/theloyal …
Juicy Overproof Rum Punch
Juicy Overproof Rum Punch Created by @the_rumboss —————————— Captured by @lateef.photography —————————— https://www.instagram.com/cocktailaday -‐—-‐———————– ▪️Overproof Rum ▪️Grenadine ▪️Lime Juice ▪️Orange Juice ▪️Pineapple Juice ▪️Bitters ——————————— #acocktailaday #rum #rumpunch #overproofrum #rumcocktail #tikicocktail #instadrink #oxfordcircus #londoncocktails #bartender #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram http://www.instagram.com/the_rumboss